Trial of the Century -or- The State of California v. O.J. Simpson
Touted by some as the "Trial of the 20th Century", the Toronto Star article (February 2, 1995, p.A4) reported by the AP, the headline reads; "O.J. confided he dreamed of killing Nicole, court told."
The dream was one of the first pieces of evidence introduced to the court at the Simpson murder trial. According to the article Ronald Shipp a retired police officer testified about O.J.'s disclosure. The defence attorney's denied the testimony, saying the conversation never took place. Under cross examination by defence attorney's Shipp denied "he was lying to get attention or further his budding acting career (from AP story)." The prosecution was attempting to profile and paint O.J.'s character as a person who was;" a jealous, battering husband whose cruelty presaged murder....
We know today that O.J.'s "dream team" of lawyers where able to persuade the jury to acquit him. Was the disclosure of the dream true or was it attention seeking sensationalism? America would find itself divided in the court of public opinion.