DUI –or- Consequences of Driving Under the Influence
Robert, 27
My older brother met an accident last year on my birthday party Oct.15.2008, he rode a motorbike under the influence of alcohol, he fell from the bike and suffer a spinal cord injury from the neck down, where he cant barely move his hands, just enough to lift a few inches but we still have to do all the things he needed coz like i told you he cant move, we feed him, brush his teeth, turn his body every 2 hours to avoid bed sore etc.my question is why is it that i always dream of him ABLE TO MOVE FREELY AND WALK although with crutches but still he can walk, but all of a sudden because of overjoy, i realize in my dream that i was just dreaming, I was hoping that i would wake up in my dream, but all of a sudden after few seconds i woke up, why is that?
Mr Hagen's Reply; Drinking -or- Undoing
Your brother's story is tragic to say the least. This tragedy could have been most likely been avoided. The most likely reason you see him walking in crutches, is because you can't accept and probably he can't accept his post-accident condition. It is a familiar therapeutic situation for those people seriously injured in motor vehicle accidents, they grasp for the wish fulfillment defense mechanisms of minimization and undoing. We all need hope, unfortuneately as your brother (and you) seems to be learning, the consequences of this accident may be something that cannot be undone.