Space and Time Travel -or- Timeless
Kim, 21
I remember my dreams every night, sometimes remembering multiple dreams in one night, i write them down, so here are a couple that i have had within the month:
Dream 1: An extrememly vivid dream. I was part of a team of offworld explorers and i was shooting a laser cannon against an attack of aliens, which were attacking a village. My cannon ran out of battery and the town was doomed. Suddenly i was given a second chance in time, so i was able to go back and find a battery source for the cannon. This time, i knew i had to conserve my ammo and in addition i had help this time with a second pilot in the sky with a small ship. I remember being able to see space very vividly, and this time i was able to destroy the threat.
Dream 2: I was in a backyard and looking at someone and there was a wripple in space and time. I traveled back to the 1900's and met with Einstein. I told him i traveled from the future and explained to him i knew about his theory of the conversion of matter into energy where E=MC2. we were talking about time travel and i told him that i was in a dream but it felt so real.
Mr Hagen's Reply: The Time Machine -or- Timeless
In your first dream, you seem to be a Sci-Fi (video gamer?) fan creating dreams of being an "offworld explorer", who has a futuristic adventure of fighting off aliens.
Your second dream of time travelling back through the space-time continuum has been a popular literary plot device since the beginnings of literature. In more modern times Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol used the dream as a time travel vehicle to view and experience the past, present and future with the aim of changing the futures trajectory (timeline). Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court character Hank Morgan who after a blow to the head, wakes up in medieval King Arthur's Court is at first confused, however soon recognizes the value of his knowledge of the future. Twain's satirical intent was to ridicule outmoded and outdated ideas of European and English chivalry that still resonated in American culture in the 19th century.
Much like H.G. Well's Time Machine and his protagonist "the time traveller", your character in the second dream travels back to the 1900's to meet Einstein. Popular science fiction films such as Deja Vu features a machine that provides a Einstein-Rosen bridge (popularily known as a wormhole) which enables individuals to view and change the past. As well, the film Frequency can be conceived as using Einstein's concept of quantum entanglement (in Einstein's words "spooky action at a distance") to send warning messages back through time and thereby changing the timeline. The Star Trek franchise is repleat with examples of changing the timeline. For original Trek lovers The City on the Edge of Forever was critically acclaimed. For some the best example of other Star Trek series is Star Trek Voyager's episode Timeless. Ensign Harry Kim is assigned to a shuttle craft infront of Voyager to ride the rapids of the "slipstream" threshold of the new populsion system of the starship which is intended to be used as a fast way home. Kim's threshold calculations and course corrections sent to Voyager prove fatal, sending the crew to an icy death on an alien planet. Kim's survivor guilt has driven him for 15 years to correct his error. Having found Voyager's icy grave and armed with a stolen Borg temporal transmittor he intends to send a message to the past to undo his guilt and his tragic error.
Inheritor's of Gene Roddenbery's futuristic vision and Star Trek film franchise gave new life and reinvented the mythology by bringing back Mr Spock to alter the timeline thereby instituting a rebirth of the original Star Trek characters (see film trailer). Ironically a wormhole is used to create the new timeline. For video gamers (like yourself) Star Trek: Legacy provides the ultimate Star Trek adventure.