Americanization @ Thirty Two Visual Frames per Second
The Hollywood Dream Factory -or- America in Film, Art, Music, Literature and Dreams
An epochal technological and Western cultural turning point for human consciousness on the planet came in 1895, when the Lumière brothers' produced the first film "Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory".
In "America On Film: Representing Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality in the Movies", Sam B. Girgus uses the idea of ‘America On Film', as a double entendre, "meaning representations and renderings of America in various films but also how America has helped to transform film itself, including the documentary form." We can also use American film to trace the psychological impact of the visual cultural frame and narrative threads of the "Americanization" of dream vision by the Hollywood dream factory. Larry King reported that as a young boy he had a nightmare where "King Kong" was in his room (the Faye Wray 1933 version, read "Media Influence on Children's Dreams").
For Marshall McLuhan media influences our consciousness, and in-turn "participation in depth"(read dreams). With the medium of film came a radical culture industry and political shift in the psychological ability of mass media to influence the consciousness of the masses, their cultural thoughts, imagination, and dreams. Everyday artistic production of visual culture by the culture industries have shaped the sensibilities of "dream vision", which in-turn has become controlled by the dominant needs of the marketplace.
The philosophy of post-modern capitalism has "Americanized" the marketplace of dream vision on the planet. Today the Hollywood dream factory dominates world media markets and all those living in the "global village". The American culture industry's influence on all forms of art can be seen in many of the dream interpretations posted at the International Institute for Dream Research website.
The philosophical aesthetic idea of a "mass art", was identified by Walter Benjamin in "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction". Benjamin foresaw the psychological and political uses and hypnotic impact of the "phantasmagoria" of mass art.
In this Americanized "postmodern" global village we live in today, the mass media, the culture industry, corporate advertisement of the "tableaux vivant" (or living pictures), dominate the marketplace of thought and the world of dreams. The postmodern marketplace of "artistic cultures", includes;
- Post-Modern art
- High culture, fine art,
- modern art,
- avant-garde,
- folk art,
- pop art,
- mass art, camp, kitch, and trash culture.
We can envision a postmodern bricolage of the whole spectrum of "cultural art" forms flowing into the "surreal" collective dreams of those living in the global village. Here is a sample of some of the postmodern "Americanized" dreams;
- Post-Modern Times -or- Welcome to the Hollywood Dream Factory
- The Information Industry -or- Media Effects
- Welcome to the Machine -or- Mind Control
- The Influencing Machine and Visual Culture -or- Media Effects
- American Dreams, Television Networks and the Culture Industries
- Amerika and Planet Hollywood -or- Dreaming in Australia
- Welcome to the Machine -or- American Conspiracy Theory
- Hollywood's Dream Factory -or- Film Editing of Sergei Eisenstein
- Advertising the American Dream -or- Born in the USA
- Keeping Up with the Joneses -or- Advertising the American Dream
- Hollywood's Superheroes -or- Hero with 1001 Faces
- Hollywood's Pictures in the Head
- Hollywood Dream Factory -or- Manufacture of Body Genres
- Hollywood Dream Factory -or- Creative Projective Paradigms
- One Dimensional Man -or- Mass Consumer Art and Veblen Effects
- Post-Modern Art Perspectives -or- Visual Outlines of Pizza Pizza
- Post-Modern Theatre of Dream Vision -or- The Game of Life
- The Post-Modern Condition -or- Queen of My Domain
- Media and the Rise of Fetishism in Visual Culture -or- Thong Girl
- Post- Modern Arcade Dream Games -or- The Who's Pinball Wizard
- What is Trash Culture?
- Inner World of Humanity -or- The Post-Modern Kingdom of Dreams
Further Reading:
- Frederic Jameson, "Postmodernism: The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism"
- Jean Lyotard, "The Postmodern Condition"
- Jean Baudrillard, "Simulacra and Simulation"
- Marshall McLuhan, "From Archetype to Cliché"
- Theodore Adorno and Max Horkheimer, "The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception"